Sunday, November 11, 2018

How to use dates to create ODV time series

So here is how I encountered this problem:
I wanted to create a three dimensional time series in ODV (say Time on X, Depth on Y and temperature on Z). When I entered the data to ODV using a template similar to this one I realized that although I have date and time of sampling on the spreadsheet, and although ODV reads those fields and they can be used for selecting samples, when I try to set them as axis values the date can't be selected.
After some reading on the ODV user manual, I found out what I need to do in order to use dates for axis is:

  •  One field (column) left of the bottom depth field I add a field named "time_ISO8601"
  • The value in this field is the sum of the date and time fields
  • The field formatting is date format as perscribed in ISO8601  (yyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss)
Ever since this revelation, I have a new template I use and you can download it here

For those (like me) who like screencasts, here is the process:


  1. Hi there, can check with you on what you did to show the year as well? Thank you.

  2. Sorry, I cant understand the question.
    you ask how to display the dates in ODV?
